2009 Penny Log Cabin Coin Value: How Much Is It Worth?


The Presidential One Dollar Coin Act, created in 2005, brought a plan to redesign the Lincoln penny reverse to honor the President’s birth bicentennial. The US Mint created four versions that symbolized Abraham Lincoln’s life. The first one was dedicated to his childhood, depicting the cabin where this honorable man was born and spent the early years of his life.

The 2009 Penny Log Cabin value is not exceptionally high since it is a modern coin with a high mintage. Many pieces are still in the mint state, plus collectors can choose among beautiful and high-quality specimens with a satin finish.

2009 Lincoln Log Cabin penny value Chart

Penny type Grade Price
2009 No Mint mark Bicentennial penny MS 67 $30
2009 No Mint mark Bicentennial penny with a satin finish MS 69 $60
2009 D Bicentennial penny MS 67 $30
2009 D Bicentennial penny with a satin finish MS 69 $50
2009 S Bicentennial proof penny PR 70 CAM $45


2009 Penny Log Cabin Value Guides

Two mints in Philadelphia and Denver produced over 2.3 billion of all four Lincoln penny designs in 2009. The Lincoln penny Log Cabin share was 634,800,000, making these coins abundant and affordable.

Despite this high mintage, you rarely see these coins in circulation since people tend to keep them as collectibles. Unfortunately, that decreased a Lincoln Bicentennial penny value, including those in high grades. Only rare coins with an impressive red toning can be more pricey.

2009 No Mint mark penny Log Cabin value

2009 No Mint Mark Lincoln Penny Log Cabin

Thanks to high mintage and the recent minting year, only Lincoln Log Cabin bicentennial pennies in perfect condition are worth something.

You should count on $30 when selling this coin, while the one with a satin finish is typically more expensive. Those with the MS 69 rating cost about $60.

2009 Lincoln penny Log Cabin

Condition Price
2009 No Mint mark RD penny 2009 No Mint mark satin RD penny 2009 D RD penny 2009 D satin RD penny
MS 63 $0.01 / $0.01 /
MS 64 $0.05 / $0.05 /
MS 65 $0.20 $1.75 $0.20 $1.75
MS 66 $5 $4 $4 $4
MS 67 $150 $5 $200 $5

The auction record won the No Mint mark MS 67 RD Lincoln Early Childhood penny minted in 2009. One collector purchased it for $1,203 on eBay in 2012. Surprisingly, a piece with the satin finish in SP 69 grade was sold for a significantly lower price. It was paid a modest $112 on eBay in 2022.

2009 D penny Log Cabin value

2009 D Lincoln Penny Log Cabin

Since the Denver mint produced 350,400,000 bicentennial pennies in 2009, their value is pretty modest. However, it is always many times higher than their face value.

A piece in an MS 67 grade with the D mint mark typically costs $30. On the other hand, you can find the 2009 D Lincoln penny Log Cabin with the highest rating for $50 on the current market.

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In 2015, one collector set aside $646 to add a beautiful 2009 D MS 67 RD Lincoln penny Log Cabin to his collection. On the other hand, the coin in a better grade and with a satin finish reached only $105 on eBay in 2021.

2009 proof penny Log Cabin value

2009 Proof Lincoln Penny Log Cabin

The proof 2009 Lincoln Bicentennial penny with a mirror finish was struck on 95% copper bronze planchets in the model of the original 1909 Lincoln cent. The US Mint struck 1,296,853 sets proof sets with 18 mirror-like cameo coins this year.

2009 proof RD DCAM Lincoln penny Log Cabin

Condition Price
PR 60 $0.50
PR 61 $0.50
PR 62 $0.50
PR 63 $0.50
PR 64 $0.50
PR 65 $0.50
PR 66 $1
PR 67 $2
PR 68 $3
PR 69 $4
PR 70 $25

It was impossible to find proof 2009 S Lincoln penny since only the 18-coin 2009 proof sets are available on the market. Each contains:

  • Four proof Presidential (Harrison, Taylor, Tyler, and Polk) copper-nickel dollars
  • One Native American ‘golden’ dollar
  • One proof Kennedy half-dollar
  • Six proof State (District of Columbia, Northern Mariana Islands, US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and Guam) copper-nickel clad quarters
  • One proof Jefferson nickel
  • One proof Roosevelt dime
  • Four Lincoln Bicentennial pennies containing 95% copper, 2% tin, and 3% zinc, similar to the 1909-cent alloy

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2009 Penny Log Cabin Errors

The 2009 Lincoln Log Cabin penny doesn’t come with a significant error list, and coins with a minting flaw are rare.

Double minting

2009 Lincoln Penny Log Cabin Double Minting Error

The double minting in this coin is more characteristic than in the other three variations. Such a coin is struck twice, resulting in a thicker (double) design. You can notice a doubling in cabin logs, making them thicker than usual.

Such pieces of medium-high quality are typically worth about $30 to $50. Some collectors also find these pieces with a doubling error on the obverse. You can see it in the word LIBERTY and the date.

Die crack

A few 2009 Lincoln Log Cabin pennies come with die cracks spread across President’s hair.

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History of the 2009 Lincoln Penny Log Cabin

Lincoln pennies minted in 2009 came with different reverses, marking the 200-year Abraham Lincoln’s birth anniversary. You can recognize four 2009 Lincoln Bicentennial penny variations, including:

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Birthplace in Kentucky

The mintage includes 284,400,000 pennies with a log cabin on the reverse, resembling Lincoln’s birth house, struck in Philadelphia. The Denver mint produced 350,400,000 pieces with the D mint mark that year.

These coins also contained 1809, the President’s birth year. The US Mint symbolically released these coins in Hodgenville, Kentucky, on Lincoln’s 200th birthday, 12th February 2009.

2009 Lincoln penny Log Cabin

Location Year Minted
Philadelphia 2009 No Mint mark penny 284,400,000
Denver 2009 D penny 350,400,000
San Francisco 2009 S Penny 2,995,615 proof sets
Total / 634,800,000

Formative years and youth in Indiana

The Philadelphia mint produced 376,000,000 of this coin variation showing Lincoln as a young man sitting on a tree trunk and reading a book. The idea was to show his tendency to read even during a break from rail splitting.

The mintage in the Denver mint was a bit lower, with 363,600,000 pieces. They were released in circulation on 14th May 2009 in Lincoln City, Indiana.

A professional life in Illinois

Precisely 316,000,000 of these Lincoln pennies displaying Lincoln outside the State Capitol in Illinois were minted in Philadelphia. The Denver mint struck 336,000,000 coins with the same reverse design. Their release in public use was on 13th August 2009 in Springfield, Illinois.

Presidency in Washington DC

This coin type, released in Washington, DC, on 12th November 2009, had the lowest mintage and was the only version without the Lincoln image. The Philadelphia mint produced 129,600,000 pieces, while the Denver mint issued a bit higher number, 198,000,000 coins.

Special strikes

Besides regular strikes minted in those two mints that year, you can find proofs struck in San Francisco. These coins, with a mirror finish and frosted features, are made of the original alloy, like those minted in 1909. You can find them only in 18-piece sets.

Finally, the US Mint produced 784,614 sets of Lincoln pennies with a satin finish. They are a part of the uncirculated coin sets minted in 2009.

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how to identify 2009 Lincoln Penny Log Cabin

In 2009, it was a new opportunity for the US Mint to produce a fresh Lincoln reverse design to honor the 200th birth anniversary of this famous American President. As mentioned, the idea was to create four different reverses in memory of the significant stages of Lincoln’s life:

  • The first includes Lincoln’s birth and childhood in Kentucky
  • The second shows his youth
  • The third considers President’s professional life
  • The fourth displays Lincoln’s presidency

The obverse of the 2009 Lincoln penny Log Cabin

2009 Lincoln Penny Log Cabin Obverse

Like in previous pennies, the coin obverse stayed unchanged. You can see a modest design with the centrally positioned Lincoln’s bust.

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Above his head is the American saying IN GOD WE TRUST, and a crucial word LIBERTY struck behind his neck, on the left side. The right side of this lovely coin with a plain edge is reserved for the date 2009.

The reverse of the 2009 Lincoln penny Log Cabin

2009 Lincoln Penny Log Cabin Reverse

Like in previous cases, the Lincoln penny reverse was a coin part reserved for necessary changes. However, this time things went even further. Instead of producing only one bicentennial penny type like before, the idea was to mint four coins with symbolic reverse variations.

The first reverse variation, Birth and Early Childhood in Kentucky, was dedicated to Lincoln’s early years. Designer in the Artistic Infusion Program Richard Masters came up with an original design. On the other hand, engraver and sculptor Jim Licaretz did a great job with coin dies, making his idea a reality.

You can see a rough log cabin created based on Lincoln’s birth house in the coin center, with the country name UNITED STATES OF AMERICA above. It is stretched along the top penny rim.

An embellished version of the log cabin where Lincoln was born typically looks perfectly neat and clean when you see it in textbooks. However, this cabin depicted on the coin is more realistic. Historically speaking, it is how a hand-built log cabin from the American frontier really looked in the early 19th century.

The lower coin half is struck in a rough texture and contains ONE CENT denomination and a Latin saying E PLURIBUS UNUM along the cabin bottom line. The year of Lincoln’s birth, 1809, is between them and placed centrally.

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You can also spot two initials below the line separating two penny halves. The RM is struck on the left side, while JL is on the right.

2009 Lincoln penny Log Cabin

Face value 1 cent ($0.01)
Shape Round
Edge Plain
Compound 97.5% zinc with 2.5% copper
Coin diameter 0.75 inches (19.05 mm)
Coin thickness 0.05984 inches (1.52 mm)
Coin weight 0.08818 ounces (2.5 g)

Other features of the 2009 Lincoln penny Log Cabin

The 2009 Lincoln Log Cabin penny is similar to other pennies from the series with identical measurements. This one-cent coin with the plain edge weighs 0.08818 ounces (2.5 g). Its diameter is a standard 0.75 inches (19.05 mm), while the thickness is 0.05984 inches (1.52 mm). The only difference is in the compound.

Like other Lincoln pennies struck from 1982 to the present, it contains 97.5% zinc and only a small percentage of copper. Only proofs are made of the original 95% copper and the remainder of tin or zinc, like original coins minted in the early period.

What makes a 2009 penny Log Cabin rare?

Unfortunately, there are no rare and highly specific coins among 2009 Lincoln Log Cabin pennies. However, some collectors indicate that minor error existence can increase these coins’ value.

Which 2009 penny Log Cabin is worth a lot of money?

  • In 2012, the 2009 No Mint mark MS 67 RD Lincoln-Early Childhood (Log Cabin) penny reached $1,203 on eBay
  • In 2015, the 2009 D MS 67 RD Lincoln-Early Childhood (Log Cabin) penny reached $646 at Heritage Auctions
  • In 2011, the 2009 S PR 70 DCAM Lincoln-Early Childhood (Log Cabin) penny reached $440 at Great Collections
  • In 2022, the 2009 No Mint mark SP 69 RD Lincoln-Early Childhood (Log Cabin) penny with a satin finish reached $112 on eBay
  • In 2021, the 2009 D SP 69 RD Lincoln-Early Childhood (Log Cabin) penny with a satin finish reached $105 on eBay

Are there any rare 2009 pennies Log Cabin?

Since it is about modern coins minted in the 21st century, none of the Lincoln Log Cabin pennies produced in 2009 are rare. In fact, the US Mint minted enough pieces to enable every collector to get their own specimen.

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